365天英语学习筹划 -- 第95天
近来 气候 反复无常
就像本日 分享的“15个气候 短语”
1. storm out 气愤 地离开
storm 是风暴的意思,以是 用风暴形容气愤 的状态再得当 不外 了。以是 ,当你像风暴一样离开 ,就是气急败坏地离开 某个地方 。
Carol stormed out of the office in a rage.
卡萝气愤 地离开 了办公室。
She stormed out of him and didn’t say anything.
他什么都没说,气愤 地离开 了。
*增补 :ride out a storm 渡过难关
You must work hard to ride out a storm.
你们必须积极 工作以度过难关 。
2. under the weather 身材 不适
If you know that he’s been under the weather, you might ask him how he’s feeling.
假如 你知道他身材 不适 ,你可以问问他感觉怎样 。
Mr. Jones has been under the weather for quite a few days .
琼斯老师 身材 不太惬意 已经有好几天了。
*增补 :Weather-beaten 困难 卓绝 的
3. weather the storm 度过难关
假如 能撑过风暴,表现 你度过了一个很惆怅 的关卡 。
The other large economies will be harder hit, but should be able to weather the storm.
其他大经济体受到打击,但应该可以或许 安然度过这次风暴。
4. get wind of 听到风声
有没有以为 这句词组跟中文有点相似呢?这里的 wind 指的是消息 ,以是 get wind of 就是听到某个消息的意思。
The police got wind of the plans to rob the bank.
警员 获悉了掳掠 银行的筹划 。
How did you get wind of that terrific business deal?
你怎么探询 到那笔好买卖 的?
5. rain on my parade 粉碎 氛围 、泼冷水
I hate to rain on your parade, but your plans are all wrong.
我不想泼你冷水,但你的筹划 美满 是 错的 。
6. take a rain check 改期
I can’t play tennis this afternoon but can I take a rain check?
我本日 下战书 不能打网球,下次再约好吗?
Can I take a rain check? I must get this finished tonight.
可以下次再约吗?我本日 必须把工作做完。
7. calm before the storm 狂风 雨前的寂静
For most teachers, the days just before the school year begins are the calm before the storm.
对于大部分 的老师,开学前几天就象是狂风 雨前的寂静 。
8. on cloud nine 九霄云上
当你开心得不得了的时间 ,就象是冲上了天一样,突破 了九层的云 。有没有以为 这个词组也跟中文有点相似呢?
He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.
他在比赛 得胜 后欣喜若狂。
9. steal his/her thunder 抢风头
thunder 黑白 常轻易 引人留意 的,以是 当你抢了别人的雷声 ,表现 你把各人 的留意 力转到本身 身上,便是 抢风头的意思。
The businessman always steals his partner’s thunder by using his ideas.
这贩子 总是利用 搭档 的点子,抢别人风头 。
My partner stole my thunder when he told the professor that he did all the work on the presentation.
我的搭档 告诉传授 他做了全部的简报 ,抢尽我的风头。
10. take by storm 袭卷、征服
像狂风 一样地夺走,表现 你征服了某件事。
The play took the audience by storm.
该剧一下子就迷住了观众 。
The Beatles took the pop music world by storm.
披头四合唱团着实让盛行 音乐界为之倾倒。
11. kick up a storm 制造骚动;惹人气愤
这个词组的意思跟 kick up a fuss 或 kick up a row 一样,都是指引起骚动。
I kicked up such a storm that they told me to leave.
我制造了不少骚动 ,以是 被要求离开 了 。
12. in a fog 狐疑 、迷惑
在一团迷雾中,什么都看不清楚 ,固然 会狐疑 囉!
I’ m in a complete fog about computer technology. I don ‘ t understand it at all .
我对盘算 机技能 一无所知 ,完全不懂啊!
13. throw caution to the wind 掉臂 统统
把全部 的鉴戒 和警惕 翼翼丢到风中,就表现 你掉臂 统统 、鲁莽行事。
Jane, who is usually cautious, threw caution to the wind and went swimming in the ocean.
Jane 是个警惕 审慎 的人,但这次她掉臂 统统 ,决定去海里游泳。
14. storm in a teacup 大惊小怪
照字面翻就是「茶杯里有狂风 」 ,这固然 是一种夸大的说法囉!以是 就是指你大惊小怪,一点点小事就说得很浮夸 。
Their quarrel was just a storm in a teacup .
他们的辩论 只是小题大作 。
15. twilight zone 两者之间的含糊 状态、环境
twilight 指的是薄暮 ,有薄暮的时间 ,面前 雾雾的,以是 当两件事有 twilight zone 时,表现 之间有含糊 不清的状态。
a twilight zone between good and evil
善与恶之间的含糊 地区
【气候 英文】
1. partly cloudy局部多云
2 .sleet 雨夹雪
3.drizzle 毛毛雨
4. light rain小雨
5.clear sky好天
6.heavy rain 大雨
7 . thunder shower 雷阵雨
8. downpour 大暴雨
9 .fog雾
10 . hail冰雹
11 . rainstorm狂风 雨
14. haze 雾霾
演唱:Amel Larrieux
Whenever you awake and find your inner light is gray
Can I suggest a simple remedy to make your day
Open up your windows and then open wide your eyes
Let the vision peace of cool and golden yellow sunrise
You might be aching 'cause the one you love is far away
Think it is impossible to make it through another day
You can feel better take it from me
Just look at the colors of the fine autumn leaves
Let them put you at ease
As long as we have the weather
The dark skies will find us and the clear day to remind us
As long as we have the weather
The sunlight will guide us and the rain most surely find us
God created changing seasons not in vain
The beauty of the weather's here for sum distraction from our pain
Let the warm summers mist you let a winter snow fall and tramp you
You don't have to pay nothing today in of you
Let the winter winds blow your pain away
Let the blue skies be your secret get-away
I got the anecdote to keep you cool
You should listen up because nature has no rules
As long as we have the weather
The dark skies will find us and the clear day to remind us
As long as we have the weather
The sunlight will guide us and the rain most surely find us
As long as we have the weather
The dark skies will find us and the clear day to remind us
As long as we have the weather
The sunlight will guide us
Let the winter winds blow your pain away
Let the blue skies be your secret get-away
I got the anecdote to keep you cool
You should listen up because in know the nature has no rules
As long as we have the weather
The dark skies will find us and the clear day to remind us
The sunlight will guide us and the rain most surely find us
Dark skies will find us and the clear day to remind us
The sunlight will guide us away
As long as we have the weather
放假这几灵活 的超等 热 ,炎天 的气味 暗潮汹涌啊!有一种感觉,出门五分钟,流汗两小时的日子不远了。从厚重的外套 中解放出来真的一身都轻松了 ,昨天在家整理房间,把全部 秋冬的衣服和鞋子都收起来了,顿时清新 了很多 。看了一周的气候 预报 ,固然 时而有雨,气温却都很高,路上很多 人都穿得很清冷 ,全部 的统统 好像 都在为炎天 的到来做好铺垫。以是 本日 口语君为各人 分享这期内容 ,盼望 你们在感受气候 变革 的同时 ,也给本身 充充电,可以或许 连合 生存 去记会更轻易 明白 哦!
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