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  格兰芬多源自意大利语,意为“漫长的间隔 ”。

  作为参加 人数浩繁 的长间隔 自行车赛事 ,格兰芬多在欧洲已有几十年的汗青 ,而今已扩展到北美 、亚洲和澳大利亚等地 。

  数以千计的选手,无论是专业车手还是 初学者 ,都能恣意 享受精美 的赛道环境 和骑行爱好 。分布在赛道上的浩繁 维修、医疗站点,专业的志愿者及补给站,清楚 的赛道指示标 ,格兰芬多致力于为选手提供充实 的后勤保障。同时,格兰芬多还拥有热情的观众,洋溢的氛围 ,以及浩繁 业内自行车媒体的报道 。能量、豪情 和睦 氛,这使得格兰芬多敏捷 席卷整个意大利。


(图片泉源 :云南格兰芬多玉溪站)

  格兰芬多鼓励全部 的自行车爱好者,无论你是专业车手还是 休闲骑玩家,参加 到这项赛事中来 ,去追寻交情 、美景、逾越 自我以及赢得奖金的机遇 。格兰芬多将团队参加 、个人竞争尚有 观光 观光融合在一起,为参赛选手提供赛前 、赛中及赛后充实 的食品 饮水及技能 支持 。云云 长间隔 的骑行,更像是一场狂欢的盛宴。在意大利 ,格兰芬多包罗 :布满 挑衅 性的赛道,电子计时,丰富的赛事包 ,自行车斲丧 品展览,富足 的赛道补给站,移动的技能 维修支持以及赛后狂欢party。

  格兰芬多的选手无一不在发挥着本身 的极限 ,去挑衅 本身 ,挑衅 朋侪 ,挑衅 队友 。很多 选手是为了第一个冲过尽头 线而战。

  格兰芬多同时也得当 全部 人来挑衅 本身 。无论你是履历 丰富的车手 ,想逾越 自身的极限,还是 初入自行车圈的新人,盼望 按照本身 的节奏完成一次比赛 ,格兰芬多都能满意 你的需求。


(图片泉源 :云南格兰芬多)


  1970年7月12日在意大利切塞纳蒂科举行 的诺里·科利赛是汗青 上首届格兰芬多超耐力自行车赛 。而今 ,诺里·科利赛已经成为意大利规模最大的自行车活动 会,同时陪伴 着为期两天的自行车展览。每届赛事都有高出 12,000名选手分别在80km,120km以及200km三个组别中睁开 竞技。

  随着芯片计时技能 在上世纪90年代越发的成熟和广泛利用 ,格兰芬多自行车赛的数量 在意大利敏捷 增长 。每年的2月到10月间,有高出 100场格兰芬多赛在意大利乐成 举行 。大部分 赛事的选手规模在500-1,000名之间,规模特大的赛事占比力 小。


  1. 赛道长度至少120公里 ,即75英里;

  2. 全程芯片计时;

  3. 针对每个组别(重要 是年龄 组)的得胜 选手的嘉奖 机制 。

  总的来说,在意大利,格兰芬多是面向全部 自行车爱好者的一次自行车盛宴。


  (图片泉源 :云南格兰芬多)


  美国的格兰芬多赛事开始于2009年。然而 ,大部分 的美国的格兰芬多赛事都不是严格 意义上的意大利式传统格兰芬多赛事,重要 缘故起因 在于,在大多数的美国格兰芬多赛事中 ,赛道并不是完全封闭的 。只有纽约格兰芬多以及惠斯勒格兰芬多拥有全封闭的赛道。意大利的格兰芬多赛事向来 将举行 地的城镇、墟落 和谐 一体,包管 赛道上没有车辆,包管 参赛选手单纯地享受骑行的安全及爱好 。

  从2010年到2017年,短短的7年时间 ,北美的格兰芬多赛事已由当初的几个敏捷 增长 到200多个 。而且,北美的格兰芬多赛事已经实现了全部电子计时,因此 ,选手们可以更有目标 的去挑衅 本身 ,挑衅 时间,去追寻胜利。大部分 的赛事都设置了差别 的组别奖项、奖牌及奖金奖品。你绝不会扫兴 。

  环球 范围内格兰芬多赛事的标准 不尽雷同 ,但各个赛事的核心 是雷同 的,即漫长的间隔 ,巨大 的对峙 ,发挥极限,挑衅 本身 。同时,有一件事是肯定的 ,自行车活动 将是我们将来 的一部分 ,很紧张 的部分 ,无论地区 。



(图片泉源 :云南格兰芬多)

  Gran Fondo is an Italian term which loosely translates to “Big Ride”.Gran Fondo's are mass participation cycling events that have enjoyed incredible popularity in Europe for decades and have become popular in North America, Asia, Australia and increasingly, worldwide.

  Take a scenic, mountainous course and add several thousand cyclists ranging from pros to beginners. Mix in roving and fixed mechanical and medical support, feed zones manned by cheerful volunteers serving up healthy snacks, fruit, and drinks, and traffic halted at intersections to let you pass. Garnish with enthusiastic and supportive spectators lining the course. Top it off with coverage by major cycling magazines. Energy, excitement and atmosphere - this is Gran Fondo, a phenomenon that took Italy by storm!


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(Source: Yunnan Granfondo OC)

  Riders, ranging from professional to recreational cyclists, are encouraged to participate in this event for camaraderie, scenic views, personal acheivement and the chance to win prizes.Think of a Gran Fondo as a combination of a group ride, race, and tour, all in one. Mechanical support, SAG support, with pre, during, and post ride food refreshments are available to all those who participate. Think of the ride as a big rolling party! In Italy, Gran Fondo events include; challenging routes, electronic timing, fantastic giveaways, a consumer expo, well-stocked aid stations, mobile tech support and a fun post-race party.

  Gran Fondo riders want to improve upon their personal best, challenge themselves, their friends and their teammates. Many even ride to win!

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  Gran Fondo's are designed for everyone. Whether you are an experienced cyclist wanting to push your own limits, race, or you are someone new to riding and want to ride at your own pace, a Gran Fondo typically has a perfect ride and group for you!


  (Source: Yunnan Granfondo OC)

  Italian Heritage

  The first Gran Fondo ever held was the Nove Colli (Nine Hills) on July 12, 1970 in Cesenatico, Italy. Today, Nove Colli is arguably Italy’s biggest cycling party with a large 2-day expo and a 12,000 rider field tackling three distances of 80km, 120km and 200km.

  With chip timing becoming more popular in the 1990s, the number of Gran Fondo events grew rapidly in Italy. Today, over 100 Gran Fondos are held in Italy between February and October. Most of them have 500-1,000 participants while a few of the bigger ones go beyond that.

  The Italian Cycling Federation defines Gran Fondo as

  ? at least 120km long (75 miles)

  ? chip timed from start to finish

  ? with prizes for the fastest riders in each category (typically age)

  In short, in Italy, Gran Fondos are races for everyone.


(Source: Yunnan Granfondo OC)

  North America

  Gran Fondo's started to be organized in the U.S. in 2009. Most U.S. Gran Fondo's aren't what they call "True Italian" Gran Fondo's - mainly because the roads aren't fully closed. Only GFNY New York and RBC Gran Fondo Whistler have closed roads. Italy's cycling heritage allows cities, towns and villages to work together to provide courses on roads with no cars for the duration of the event, such is the popularity and love for cycling!

  In 2010 there were a handful of events, now in 2017 there are expected to be around 200+ events in North America alone and the scene is growing very quickly. We aim to make you aware of all the events and news for North America, Australia, Asia, Europe and worldwide.

  More and more U.S. Gran Fondo's are adding full electronic timing or timed sections, so you can race against the clock, your friends or go for the win! many have age category awards, medals and prizes. If you've never done one, believe us, you won't be disapponted.

  Standards vary, so we aim to give a clear and concise guide for each event, so riders know what to expect or in some cases, demand! This doesn't detract from the smaller events, it's all about knowing what you're getting for your money and making the right choices, for you.

  You never know - one day you might find yourself in the Italian Dolomites riding a Gran Fondo with 13,000 feet of climbing with thousands of cyclists from all over the world, or travelling to the west coast to try out the Californian climbs, or the east coast Appalachian mountains?

  One thing is for sure - cycling is part of our future, in a big way, on a global scale!

  more info of Granfondo please visit original link: